Four Basics of Community Medicine

In community medicine, there are four basic concepts that must be understood well. It was health paradigm, concept of epidemiology, mandala of health, and theory of Blum.

Health paradigm is a view that health is a need. Health paradigm is effective as efforts to prevent people for getting a disease. We know that prevention is more important than cure. To prevent disease, people should consider that health is a need and it is very important. This paradigm can change behavior of the people; so can reduce the risk to be sick. So a healthy person must own health paradigm before they get sick.

The concept of epidemiology is also called H-E-A concept. Incidence of a disease represents a unique combination of several factors: agent, host, and environment. As an illustration, disease can develop because there is dangerous disease agents that attack vulnerable-host in a supportive environment. The emergence of a disease is never caused by one factor but by several factors that form a mesh (epidemiologic web).

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